Sometimes you might not feel like you usually do. Try as you might, you can't figure out what's wrong. You just know you don't feel right.
In her children's book What's Wrong with Sunny? author Amitha Kalaichandran tells the story of what happens when Sunny the giraffe wakes up one day and doesn't feel quite like herself. She usually feels well, but not today. Her heart is beating fast, her head is heavy, she feels warm, and her tummy really hurts. Why does Sunny feel so different today? Sunny's friends are eager to help her.
Beautifully illustrated by Farida Zaman,...
Sometimes you might not feel like you usually do. Try as you might, you can't figure out what's wrong. You just know you don't feel right.
Sometimes you might not feel like you usually do. Try as you might, you can't figure out what's wrong. You just know you don't feel right.
In her children's book What's Wrong with Sunny? author Amitha Kalaichandran tells the story of what happens when Sunny the giraffe wakes up one day and doesn't feel quite like herself. She usually feels well, but not today. Her heart is beating fast, her head is heavy, she feels warm, and her tummy really hurts. Why does Sunny feel so different today? Sunny's friends are eager to help her.
Beautifully illustrated by Farida Zaman,...
Sometimes you might not feel like you usually do. Try as you might, you can't figure out what's wrong. You just know you don't feel right.