Path of the Forgiven focuses on the lives of Quinton Foster and Malory Rice as they work their way through life's struggles to overcome the pains of their pasts. Follow along and see if Quinton can get his life straightened around and to see what happens when Malory's past catches up with her. Will they cling to God in their time of struggle or will they fall back into their old way of life? See also what surprises are in store for them along the way.
Path of the Forgiven focuses on the lives of Quinton Foster and Malory Rice as they work their way through life's struggles to overcome the pains o...
Path of the Forgiven focuses on the lives of Quinton Foster and Malory Rice as they work their way through life's struggles to overcome the pains of their pasts. Follow along and see if Quinton can get his life straightened around and to see what happens when Malory's past catches up with her. Will they cling to God in their time of struggle or will they fall back into their old way of life? See also what surprises are in store for them along the way.
Path of the Forgiven focuses on the lives of Quinton Foster and Malory Rice as they work their way through life's struggles to overcome the pains o...