New from Lori Wick, this stand-alonestory shows how unexpected changes can set the perfect course for love. 1945, WWII-When Lieutenant Donovan Riggs experiences trouble with his PT boat, the sailors of Every Storm make an unscheduled stop...and a surprising discovery. Lorraine Archer is an American teacher living and working in Australia. While on a flight with her sister, her daydreams are disrupted by the sounds of the plane going down. Lorri ends up alone on a deserted island in the Pacific. And just when she loses all hope of being found...Donovan and his crew arrive. Neither Donovan nor...
New from Lori Wick, this stand-alonestory shows how unexpected changes can set the perfect course for love. 1945, WWII-When Lieutenant Donovan Riggs e...
The first in the newly repackaged Kensington Chronicles series, The Hawk and the Jewel sweeps readers from the tapestried halls of Victorian England to the alabaster courts of Arabia. Everyone thought little Sunny had perished with Lady Gallagher in storm-tossed seas off the Arabian coast, but the beautiful toddler had been found, taken to the palace of Darhabar, and raised as the ruler's own child. Now the emir, Ahmad Khan, is sending her home, and Sunny's uncertain, new life is completely in God's hands. This classic series, which has sold more than 375,000 copies, has a fresh, new look...
The first in the newly repackaged Kensington Chronicles series, The Hawk and the Jewel sweeps readers from the tapestried halls of Victorian England t...
Victoria "Smokey" Simmons stands silently on deck as her father's body is lowered into the Atlantic, asking God for the strength she will need to command the Aramis alone. Not wanting to remain at sea forever, Smokey dreams of the time when she can trade her life aboard ship for a home and family. When she meets another captain, Dallas Knight, Smokey believes her dream will finally come true. But circumstances beyond their control and the schemes of a cunning pirate threaten to destroy this young couple's hope for the future. Wings of the Morning carries readers on a tender journey of love in...
Victoria "Smokey" Simmons stands silently on deck as her father's body is lowered into the Atlantic, asking God for the strength she will need to comm...
Lori Wick's bestselling series The Kensington Chronicles (more than 375,000 copies sold) has a fresh, new look sure to please her longtime fans and draw a new generation of readers. Set in the 1800s, this series captures the adventure, wealth, and romance of the British empire. Tanner Richardson, the volatile duke of Cambridge, sees his wife with another man. Misinterpreting the situation, he erupts in rage and throws her and their unborn baby out. Tanner's anger smolders-until the night he is shot....
Lori Wick's bestselling series The Kensington Chronicles (more than 375,000 copies sold) has a fresh, new look sure to please her longtime fans and dr...
When the king commands Bracken to marry, high-spirited Megan is chosen to fulfill the edict. Unskilled in the ways of love, Bracken finds Megan captivating, yet cannot seem to voice his feelings until he almost loses her forever. Lori Wick's bestselling series The Kensington Chronicles (more than 375,000 copies sold) has a fresh, new look sure to please her longtime fans and draw a new generation of readers. Set in the 1800s, this series captures the adventure, wealth, and romance of the British empire.
When the king commands Bracken to marry, high-spirited Megan is chosen to fulfill the edict. Unskilled in the ways of love, Bracken finds Megan captiv...
"She can't be dead " the young pastor cried as he looked down at the still, white face of his new bride. Blinded by bitterness, Paul Cameron leaves his church and flees to a logging camp deep in the north woods of Wisconsin. There he wrestles with his loss-unable to get Corrine out of his mind and unwilling to make peace with God. When a falling tree crushes his legs, Paul can run no further. Broken now in body as well as spirit, he must face his own heart as he encounters the love of God in the patient care of his nurse, Abigail Finlayson. The Long Road Home touches shattered dreams with...
"She can't be dead " the young pastor cried as he looked down at the still, white face of his new bride. Blinded by bitterness, Paul Cameron leaves hi...
After losing her parents, Arcineh Bryant lives with her grandfather as a girl. But growing up without her family causes her to hold resentment toward the man who took her in. Years later, when she meets a man she thinks she may love, she doubts whether she can trust her own heart. A character-rich journey leads Arcineh back to her grandfather's home where there are surprises, questions, and for the first time in her life, an answer to "who will love me forever?" This compelling story about a woman's hunger for acceptance and wholeness points the reader home to God's love.
After losing her parents, Arcineh Bryant lives with her grandfather as a girl. But growing up without her family causes her to hold resentment toward ...
Katherine Taggert-nicknamed "Rusty" for her curly red hair-shines like a ray of sunshine at her aunt and uncle's orphanage. Unaccustomed to traveling alone in the pioneer West, Rusty is accompanied on her first orphanage placement trip by the kind but reserved widower Chase McCandles. When Chase offers Rusty a position in his stately home as a companion for his young son, Quintin, Rusty accepts. But when she realized how little time Chase spends with Quintin, Rusty's heart is torn. How can she convince Chase that his son desperately needs a father? And can Chase learn to trust God to help him...
Katherine Taggert-nicknamed "Rusty" for her curly red hair-shines like a ray of sunshine at her aunt and uncle's orphanage. Unaccustomed to traveling ...
Lori Wick's bestselling series The Californians (more than 500,000 copies sold) has a fresh new cover design to delight avid Lori Wick fans and readers just introduced to Lori's beloved fiction. When an angry snowstorm forces Marcail Donovan to seek shelter for the night at the town doctor's house, the pretty new schoolteacher is thrust into a scandal that threatens her career. The unfortunate but innocent circumstances bring harsh condemnation to Marcail, but the compassionate bachelor doctor offers her a way to remain the town's teacher. Now she must face an inner turmoil worse than any...
Lori Wick's bestselling series The Californians (more than 500,000 copies sold) has a fresh new cover design to delight avid Lori Wick fans and reader...
The first meeting between Slater Rawlings and Liberty Drake could hardly be called ideal. As acting deputy of Shotgun, Texas, Liberty is simply enforcing the town laws. But Slater, a former Texas Ranger with a restless spirit, is surprised to find himself on the wrong side of the law-and even more shocked to realize it's a she who is arresting him Yet Slater finds himself drawn to the close-knit town, to its strong church family, and especially to the fascinating Deputy Drake. As his heart grows tender toward Liberty, Slater longs to see her turn in her badge. Can Liberty, realizing her...
The first meeting between Slater Rawlings and Liberty Drake could hardly be called ideal. As acting deputy of Shotgun, Texas, Liberty is simply enforc...