This collection of stories follows four young adults as they try to find themselves. They are trying to overcome the inner battles of coming to terms with their sexuality or gender identity. In each story, you are able to follow along with the main characters as they realize who they truly are and become more comfortable in their own skin. The characters are surrounded by role models and friends that help ease the pain and confusion along the way and help shine some light on their path to self-discovery. Each story presents a unique situation that allows the reader to gain insight into...
This collection of stories follows four young adults as they try to find themselves. They are trying to overcome the inner battles of coming to terms ...
This collection of stories follows four young adults as they try to find themselves. They are trying to overcome the inner battles of coming to terms with their sexuality or gender identity. In each story, you are able to follow along with the main characters as they realize who they truly are and become more comfortable in their own skin. The characters are surrounded by role models and friends that help ease the pain and confusion along the way and help shine some light on their path to self-discovery. Each story presents a unique situation that allows the reader to gain insight into...
This collection of stories follows four young adults as they try to find themselves. They are trying to overcome the inner battles of coming to terms ...