This intriguing glimpse into the once mysterious aspects of death tells what happens-- step-by-step-- during the embalming and cremation processes.
Here you will find information once known only to funeral directors, including:
What happens to the body when attacked by organisms it once easily fought off
The varied religious beliefs surrounding funerals and wakes
The evolution of embalming: From the ancient Egyptian religious rite to embalming as we know it today, which began during the Civil War, When bodies were shipped home for burial
Alternatives to embalming, including...
This intriguing glimpse into the once mysterious aspects of death tells what happens-- step-by-step-- during the embalming and cremation processes.
The tenured head of the Neural Department at a Boston University has experimented with and developed an unusual procedure. It has been successfully tested many times on various animals and now he wants to test it on a human. His long time assistant suggests his own grandfather. This elderly man fits all the requirements; besides if everything works as planned, the assistant stands to inherit half a million dollars. This innovative thriller may be speaking of things to come which could change the meaning of old age, senility, dementia and Alzheimer's Disease forever.
The tenured head of the Neural Department at a Boston University has experimented with and developed an unusual procedure. It has been successfully te...