A devastating explosion leaves a wake of death and destruction in a suburban Dallas high school. Senior Agent Gerry Bolton and Special Agent Jan Hanson of the Dallas FBI take on the case of the apparent bombing, with little to go on. No manifesto has been revealed to declare the perpetrator's identity or rationale, although terrorism is suspected. A later grotesque crime adds a further burden of urgency to the FBI's efforts. Aziz Malawi, a bright young Muslim engineer, is puzzled by a friend and coworker's failure to return to work from his vacation. He decides to check on him at his...
A devastating explosion leaves a wake of death and destruction in a suburban Dallas high school. Senior Agent Gerry Bolton and Special Agent Jan Hanso...
A devastating explosion leaves a wake of death and destruction in a suburban Dallas high school. Senior Agent Gerry Bolton and Special Agent Jan Hanson of the Dallas FBI take on the case of the apparent bombing, with little to go on. No manifesto has been revealed to declare the perpetrator's identity or rationale, although terrorism is suspected. A later grotesque crime adds a further burden of urgency to the FBI's efforts. Aziz Malawi, a bright young Muslim engineer, is puzzled by a friend and coworker's failure to return to work from his vacation. He decides to check on him at his...
A devastating explosion leaves a wake of death and destruction in a suburban Dallas high school. Senior Agent Gerry Bolton and Special Agent Jan Hanso...