FOOTHOLD by Patrick J. Lennon. A goofy Mary Poppins-ish nurse treats a shy man with an ingrown toenail and a broken heart. WRITERS RETREAT by Samantha Ciavarella. Things get messy when youre the subject of your own story. Two friends/lovers/writers realize quickly that they cannot have their cake and eat it too. A SONG A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY by Freddy Valle. A play about an ailment so embarrassing, you wouldnt tell your Mom about it. Say Aahhh. WHERES THE REST OF ME? By David E. Tolchinsky. A screenwriter wrestles with his relationship to Spalding Gray, his psychiatrist father and...
FOOTHOLD by Patrick J. Lennon. A goofy Mary Poppins-ish nurse treats a shy man with an ingrown toenail and a broken heart. WRITERS RETREAT by Sam...