Two thrilling novels featuring scientist and world-saving explorer Doctor Ardan, created in 1928, five years before Doc Savage. These two ground-breaking SF adventures have been translated by award-winning authors Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier. In The Troglodytes of Mount Everest (1929), young Francis Ardan, who has just earned his title of Doctor, embarks for a cruise around the world, but ends up fighting Captain Mendax, a science pirate and the master of a super-powered flying machine and submarine, The Astaroth, built according to the late Captain Nemo's designs. In The Giants of Black Lake...
Two thrilling novels featuring scientist and world-saving explorer Doctor Ardan, created in 1928, five years before Doc Savage. These two ground-break...
Doctor Francis Ardan, intrepid explorer and polymath, was created in the 1920s by French writer Guy d'Armen for the French pulp magazine, L'IntrEpide. After publishing three of his novel-length adventures in English, we offer here four original short stories taken from the pages of L'IntrEpide, in which see the fearless hero tackle a Yeti, a Witch Doctor, a vampire and a giant bat. In addition, this collection contains twelve other stories, including four written especially for this volume, in which Doc Ardan faces such exotic threats as the Beast of Gevaudan, the Queen of Atlantis,...
Doctor Francis Ardan, intrepid explorer and polymath, was created in the 1920s by French writer Guy d'Armen for the French pulp magazine, L'IntrEpi...