Heirloom German recipes like your grandmother and great-grandmother made when they emigrated to America. Vintage recipe titles in German and English, but with English instructions. Beautifully reprinted from Emma Oswald's 1910 edition with a NEW help section on preparing these recipes in modern kitchens. Hundreds of vintage recipes including Apfelklosse, Dampfnudeln, Eierstick, Einlauf, Mehlklosse, Kartoffelklosse, Semmelklosse, Tirolklosse, Wiener Knockerl, Fisch Ragout, Karpfen in Bier Sauce, Delikatess Heringe, Seefisch in Bier Sauce, Seeungenrollen, Huhn Fricassee, Hasenbraten,...
Heirloom German recipes like your grandmother and great-grandmother made when they emigrated to America. Vintage recipe titles in German and English, ...