Imaginative, clever and often humorous, this beautifully illustrated poetry collection by Valerie Bloom is inspired by the strange and wonderful creatures of the natural world.
Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction.
Text type: A poetry book
Curriculum links: Citizenship"
Imaginative, clever and often humorous, this beautifully illustrated poetry collection by Valerie Bloom is inspired by the strange and wonderful cr...
Suitable for readers who are growing in confidence and are beginning to enjoy longer stories, this book tells the story about a boy who hates having to choose, Green shirt or blue shirt? Feeding the ducks or going on the swings? It also gives a strange object that might just be the answer to his problem.
Suitable for readers who are growing in confidence and are beginning to enjoy longer stories, this book tells the story about a boy who hates having t...