"Charlene Groome begins a spirited new series with this riveting introduction to the Warriors, a hockey team whose star player has game both on and off the ice-until their new skating coach changes everything..."
Ty Caldwell is one of the Warriors' most valuable players-and one of Vancouver's most eligible bachelors. His moves are part of his charm, so he's surprised by how strongly he's drawn to the team's new skating coach-and even more surprised when she cross-checks his advances. But Ty loves a challenge, and the same persistence he flaunts in the rink may help him off the...
"Charlene Groome begins a spirited new series with this riveting introduction to the Warriors, a hockey team whose star player has game both on and of...
The Warriors take to the ice again in Charlene Groome's sensational series about hockey players and the women who love them. But the team's new addition may have to work for a warm welcome...
Defenseman Devin Miller has bounced from team to team and city to city, but he's finally ready to settle down-professionally and personally. The Warriors seems like the perfect fit. Now all he needs is the right woman to start a family with-and he's willing to put in the practice to find her.
Sports anchor Carla Sinclair already doesn't like Vancouver's hot new acquisition. So when she's persuaded...
The Warriors take to the ice again in Charlene Groome's sensational series about hockey players and the women who love them. But the team's new additi...