How did Jeremiah get to be a prophet? What kind of commitment did the Lord require of him? Why was he thrown into a muddy cistern? What brought him to Egypt instead of to Babylon? What kept him going in the face of constant rejection and ridicule? You won't be able to read these first-person interviews with the prophet without being deeply touched by his all-too-human reactions to his work.
How did Jeremiah get to be a prophet? What kind of commitment did the Lord require of him? Why was he thrown into a muddy cistern? What brought him to...
Paul's letter to the church in Rome - where he had not yet visited - is best understood as Paul writing the things he would otherwise have spoken had he been able to schedule a visit there. Paul wants Jewish and Gentile believers to understand the gospel in such a way that they can live together peaceably in one church. The level of writing is on a pastoral level, not on an academic or professional level, it is the sort of thing a pastor might say in a small Bible study group.
Paul's letter to the church in Rome - where he had not yet visited - is best understood as Paul writing the things he would otherwise have spoken had ...
First-person interviews with the New Testament Apostle. Why did young Paul hate Christians so much? How did God bring him to conversion? How did he get to understand the gospel so well, never having been a disciple of Jesus? Why did the Lystrans think Barnabas and Paul were gods come down to earth? What was his life like as a prisoner in Rome? You will enter more deeply into the personal life of this influential apostle when you read carefully these first-person interviews with Paul in prison in Rome.
First-person interviews with the New Testament Apostle. Why did young Paul hate Christians so much? How did God bring him to conversion? How did he ge...
Early in his missionary career Paul takes on the Judaizers who want all Christians to observe the Jewish ceremonies such as circumcision, kosher food, sabbath keeping, and temple worship. Not so much that Paul finds these ceremonies wrong, but tha
Early in his missionary career Paul takes on the Judaizers who want all Christians to observe the Jewish ceremonies such as circumcision, kosher food,...
FIVE ANCIENT CREEDS - Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, Formula of Chalcedon, Third Council of Constantinople, Athanasian Creed. A pastoral and theological analysis of these creedal formulations from the ancient church. The only one acceptable as it stands is The Apostles' Creed.
FIVE ANCIENT CREEDS - Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, Formula of Chalcedon, Third Council of Constantinople, Athanasian Creed. A pastoral and theologic...