Adieu le mariage, vive le mariage est un outil de sensibilisation qui interpelle les parents, les éducateurs et les jeunes dans un monde où le mariage traverse la période la plus critique de son histoire. Il peint un tableau pittoresque et humoristique du mariage en Afrique subsaharienne. Sabasaba et Nléla sont au bord de leur troisième divorce avec des partenaires différents. Le renouvellement inédit de leurs voeux est l'oeuvre de conseillers chevronnés, et surtout celle de Telepsép, principal héros du livre, qui opère en...
Adieu le mariage, vive le mariage est un outil de sensibilisation qui interpelle les parents, les éducateurs et les jeunes dans un monde où...
Farewell to Marriage, Long Live Marriage aims to raise awareness among parents, teachers and young people, in an era where marriage is going through the most critical period in its history. It appeals specifically to couples who are about to call it quits and are looking for ways to rebuild and save their marriage. It is an extremely topical book, dealing as it does with the death and resurrection of marriage, a hot topic which is at the center of the marriage for all policy. Marcel Ngue and his wife have been married for over thirty years and have four children. He worked as Project and...
Farewell to Marriage, Long Live Marriage aims to raise awareness among parents, teachers and young people, in an era where marriage is going through t...