Many people are faced with adverse situations that leave them feeling trapped. In this book, which is also a life guide, you will notice that I have faced a plethora of challenges in my life. Even though the dust of my situations blinded my vision, my faith in God remained strong. I encourage you to stop living life according to your plans and start living life according to God's Plans. Don't give up. Keep fighting. About the Author: Trayvond Souder has overcome many obstacles in his childhood. While growing up in poverty stricken conditions Trayvond Souder knew that life had more to offer....
Many people are faced with adverse situations that leave them feeling trapped. In this book, which is also a life guide, you will notice that I have f...
Gather all men from all walks of life and what do they have in common? The inability to express their deepest thoughts and emotions In this book which is a poetic collation author Trayvond Souder and author Jeremy Bell have used transparency to bridge the gap between the young and the wise. Poems in this book depict the societal pressures of black men.
Gather all men from all walks of life and what do they have in common? The inability to express their deepest thoughts and emotions In this book whic...