Earl LeClaire is a leviathan; his path has taken him to depths most of us cannot fathom. His work is direct, blunt, angry, tender, and unstintingly honest. These observant poems shout from the page. Tales of injustice and adventure, full of humorous irony, alternate with gentle love poems so exquisitely felt that they break your heart. Earl walks through life wide awake, and we are lucky to be led through his world, feeling the heartbeat of a writer in love with words. Cathy Larson Sky, musician/poet, author of "Blue egg, my heart" (Finishing Line Press, 2014)
Earl LeClaire is a leviathan; his path has taken him to depths most of us cannot fathom. His work is direct, blunt, angry, tender, and unstintingly ho...
In ""Below The Mayonnaise Factory,"" Earl LeClaire's poetry takes on many shapes and colors. His frank observations on the human condition are absorbing. You walk away from them only to have them keep coming back. The work is, by turns, extremely funny and very troubling as he celebrates life: his, ours, and theirs. ""Very sharp... wonderful energy... talented and original and crisper than the sort of thing one sees getting published left and right. Just fine work ... a shock and a pleasure to read."" -Steve Kowit, Gorilla Press. ""Earl's poetry is a sledgehammer."" -ruth weiss, the ""Beat...
In ""Below The Mayonnaise Factory,"" Earl LeClaire's poetry takes on many shapes and colors. His frank observations on the human condition are absorbi...