This book is a cry to the Church of Jesus Christ to experience a wake up call. Time is short The Church is called to be in a state of preparation and readiness for the return of the Lord. Jesus Christ is returning for a Bride who has made herself ready to meet her Groom. The body of Christ is drowsy or may have already fallen asleep. Sadly, some who think that they are ready to meet Jesus will be mistaken. There will be many who hear those terrifying words, "Truly I tell you, I don't know you" (Matt. 25:12). The Lord is not willing that any should perish. Scripture is very plain, however,...
This book is a cry to the Church of Jesus Christ to experience a wake up call. Time is short The Church is called to be in a state of preparation and...
The NO SHAME ZONE DISCUSSION AND STUDY GUIDE was written to complement NO SHAME ZONE, a book about exposing the hidden bondage of shame. The heart of the matter is to help people effectively deal with shame so they may walk in freedom.
The NO SHAME ZONE DISCUSSION AND STUDY GUIDE was written to complement NO SHAME ZONE, a book about exposing the hidden bondage of shame. The heart of ...
Lack of recognition is the biggest problem for eliminating shame. Many who are burdened by shame do not even realize the name for the intense emotion that they feel. The effects of shame are also found throughout the pages of Scripture. In fact, the first negative emotion from the first sin was shame Satan used that vile trick immediately with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden That fact alone says something about the strength of the weapon of shame in Satan's hands.
Lack of recognition is the biggest problem for eliminating shame. Many who are burdened by shame do not even realize the name for the intense emotion ...