Organizations and security companies face tremendous obstacles to keep information safe yet available, regrettably the complexity of security impairs this goal.
Almost every day, we read headlines about breaches that devastate organizations, causing damage and continually reinforcing how arduous it is to create and maintain a solid defense.
Dan Reis, a cyber security professional with over 15 years in security discusses an array of issues, and explores topics organizations and security professional wrestle with to deploy and maintain a robust secure environment. Some views...
Organizations and security companies face tremendous obstacles to keep information safe yet available, regrettably the complexity of security impai...
Become a proficient Odoo developer and increase your productivity while building Odoo business applications Key Features Set up the Odoo development environment and learn how to test and debug your code Use the ORM framework to work with data and implement business logic supporting business rules Design user interfaces, web pages, and business reports using the Odoo framework's web components Book DescriptionOdoo is fast becoming the reference open source platform for business applications thanks to the fact that it provides the infrastructure needed for developers to deliver software...
Become a proficient Odoo developer and increase your productivity while building Odoo business applications Key Features Set up the Odoo development...