Details recent research in areas such as ontology design for information integration, metadata generation and management, and representation and management of distributed ontologies.
Provides decision support on the use of novel technologies, information about potential problems, and guidelines for the successful application of existing technologies.
Details recent research in areas such as ontology design for information integration, metadata generation and management, and representation and ma...
Aboutthebook The success of the information society The rapid progress of the information society in the past decade has been made possible by the removal of many technical barriers. Producing, storing, and transporting information in large quantities are no longer signi?cant problems. Producing on-line, digitized information is no longer a problem. Ever more of our commercial, scienti?c and personal information exchanges happen on-line in digital form. In the professional domain, near 100% of all o?ce documents areproducedindigitalform(evenifafterwardstheyaredistributedinpaper form), large...
Aboutthebook The success of the information society The rapid progress of the information society in the past decade has been made possible by the rem...