The Code of Seven The Code of Seven is an epic five book saga that tells the story of an elite group of individuals destined to harness tremendous forces that will come to influence events throughout the universe. Each possesses a power that they don't yet understand or know how to control, but their destinies are soon to be revealed over this series. A New World Order In the first book, Eva and Nathaniel, two of the Code of Seven, led ordinary lives until they met each other. The importance of their role is revealed in an upcoming battle that will affect the future meeting of the Code of...
The Code of Seven The Code of Seven is an epic five book saga that tells the story of an elite group of individuals destined to harness tremendous for...
The Code of Seven is an elite group who can harness tremendous forces to influence events throughout the galaxies. Each possesses a power that they don't yet understand or know how to control, and their destinies will be revealed in this first book. Eva and Nathaniel, two of the Code of Seven, led ordinary lives until they meet each other. The importance of their role is revealed in an upcoming battle that can affect the future meeting of the Code of Seven. Together, they open a portal that reaches out to the home worlds of the other Code of Seven members... but a dark force lingers in the...
The Code of Seven is an elite group who can harness tremendous forces to influence events throughout the galaxies. Each possesses a power that they do...