Healing is needed only when we are sick, and is offered by an elite of specially trained experts. Michael Mitton challenges these and many other myths and misconceptions about healing and the healing ministry. He describes a very different understanding of healing, placing it at the centre of all our lives and of the communities in which we live. He shows that healing is a shared journey in which the healer is often the one who is in need, and the person who is sick is often the one ministering to the healer. He also wrestles with the mystery of a God who sometimes cures - and who sometimes...
Healing is needed only when we are sick, and is offered by an elite of specially trained experts. Michael Mitton challenges these and many other myths...
Like the seasons themselves, our lives are variable and can change in a moment. In Seasoned by Seasons, Michael Mitton acknowledges this and offers Bible reflections for the variety of life's seasons: spring, the season of emerging new life; summer, the season of fruitfulness; autumn, the season of letting go; winter, the season of discovering light in the dark. What can we learn, and how can we be encouraged in each season of our lives? This book will empower you to discover for yourself the truths and messages of scripture, and might well change the way you view life's changes.
Like the seasons themselves, our lives are variable and can change in a moment. In Seasoned by Seasons, Michael Mitton acknowledges this and offers Bi...