In every school, there is always one exceptional individual who stands out from the rest of the crowd. Seventeen-year-old Anton knows this all too well. Creative, sensitive, and musically-gifted, he possesses an intangible quality that draws both the admiration of young girls and the ire of teenage boys. Teased since grade school for his slightly-pointed ears, and tormented in high school because of the long, brown hair he's grown to cover them, he finds solace in a world of fantasy where his unconventional nature is not only welcomed, but desired. While at summer camp, the other boys pull a...
In every school, there is always one exceptional individual who stands out from the rest of the crowd. Seventeen-year-old Anton knows this all too wel...
In every school, there is always one exceptional individual who stands out from the rest of the crowd. Seventeen-year-old Anton knows this all too well. Creative, sensitive, and musically-gifted, he possesses an intangible quality that draws both the admiration of young girls and the ire of teenage boys. Teased since grade school for his slightly-pointed ears, and tormented in high school because of the long, brown hair he's grown to cover them, he finds solace in a world of fantasy where his unconventional nature is not only welcomed, but desired. While at summer camp, the other boys pull a...
In every school, there is always one exceptional individual who stands out from the rest of the crowd. Seventeen-year-old Anton knows this all too wel...