APOCalypse 2500 is a tabletop role playing game, set in a post-apocalyptic future world of sci-fi technology and ancient magic. 400 years after the vortex humanities great nations are gone, the planet has changed, and ancient magic and magical creatures have returned to a modern high tech earth. In 22nd century scientists blunder: The Vortex forms: Magical species appear: Accelerated continental drift happens: Neo-Pangaea forms: War happens: Nations fail, feudalism arises: Time passes: It is now the year 2500 and your adventure begins... This game is designed for 2 or more persons and...
APOCalypse 2500 is a tabletop role playing game, set in a post-apocalyptic future world of sci-fi technology and ancient magic. 400 years after the vo...
APOCalypse 2500 RPG Game masters can utilize the theories and unique twists on what zombification is in this book to tailor the various flesh-eating monsters to suit any game scenario or plot element. I have gone into some depth as to the behavior of both zombies and the plague as well as how it mutates and what it really is. This book has become far more than a single monster reference as it creates a complete resource and new reality within the world of APOCalypse 2500. Included in this volume is a complete zombie adventure scenario set in an abandon walled city, lost to the plague...
APOCalypse 2500 RPG Game masters can utilize the theories and unique twists on what zombification is in this book to tailor the various flesh-eating m...