An introduction to Anthroposophical Methodology and a complete analysis of Rudolf Steiners Philosophy of Freedom (Spiritual Activity), Gennady Bondarevs Organon demonstrates that the methodology intrinsic to Anthroposophy is fundamental to and capable of unifying all modern sciences as it describes the monistic sensible-supersensible reality. Through its anthropocentric and ontological character, this methodologys actualization implies an evolutionary change of both the human subject and the process of cognition itself. Rudolf Steiners fundamental epistemological work is thereby shown to be...
An introduction to Anthroposophical Methodology and a complete analysis of Rudolf Steiners Philosophy of Freedom (Spiritual Activity), Gennady Bondare...
In these essays the reader will find a description of contemporary political events, finely intertwined with an exposition of a series of principles of the methodology of Rudolf Steiner's Spiritual Science. Historical symptomatology is one of the most significant divisions of general anthroposophical methodology. In accordance with it any fact or event of world history is considered merely a symptom of that which takes place on the plane of supersensible reality where real purely spiritual subjects lead their existence, where the spiritual impulses of the outer phenomenology of history, their...
In these essays the reader will find a description of contemporary political events, finely intertwined with an exposition of a series of principles o...