In this wide-ranging collection of entertaining and thought-provoking essays, Isaac Morehouse shares his original, liberty-minded take on infomercials, Aristotelian ethics, squirrels, and why inflation is like an energy drink. There is, however, a central theme that runs through the whole collection and loosely ties the essays together. That theme is simple: freedom is better than force. Morehouse takes you on the journey of his own transition - from asking what works for society in the abstract to seeking what works for you as an individual. How can you become more free?
In this wide-ranging collection of entertaining and thought-provoking essays, Isaac Morehouse shares his original, liberty-minded take on infomercials...
This book is about the simple practice of flipping the burden of proof from "why" to "why not." What would happen to your life if you stopped assuming you know all the reasons why not to do things differently? Have you ever really, seriously demanded of yourself good reasons to not start a business, move to a new city, dropout of school, quit your job, write a book, travel the world, climb a mountain, fly first class, audition for American Idol, or have a bunch of kids?
This book is about the simple practice of flipping the burden of proof from "why" to "why not." What would happen to your life if you stopped assuming...