THE WISPY WOODLE TALES is an imaginative depiction of life and adventure in a fantasy land, intertwined with personal character development.
The story opens with an introduction to the Land Of Over There, which is an enchanting place inhabited by the mischievous cast away, Wispy Woodle. Wispy guardians over the land, the Silly Things (Alli Gator, Patti Platypus, Susan Seal, Bandi Coot, Coati Mundi, Peter Penguin, Pichi Ciago), and a group of children who drifted by way of river from their destitute homelands to find happiness and plentiful earth.
THE WISPY WOODLE TALES tells the story of...
THE WISPY WOODLE TALES is an imaginative depiction of life and adventure in a fantasy land, intertwined with personal character development.