This summary of the birds of Nebraska has been restricted to those species that have been convincingly reported at least once in Nebraska from historic time to the present. It has also been modified in its current revision to conform very closely in that regard to the most recent Nebraska Ornithologists' Union's "Official List of the Birds of Nebraska" (Brogie, 2010; NOU Records Committee, 2011 and annual updates). The N.O.U.'s official state list of birds (455 species as of 2013, including 329 "regular" species, 42 of "casual" occurrence, 68 accidentals, and six extinct or extirpated...
This summary of the birds of Nebraska has been restricted to those species that have been convincingly reported at least once in Nebraska from histori...
The 21 species of sea ducks are one of the larger subgroups (Tribe Mergini) of the waterfowl family Anatidae, and the 16 species (one historically extinct) that are native to North America represent the largest number to be found on any continent. This book is an effort to summarize succinctly our current knowledge of sea duck biology and to provide a convenient survey of the vast technical literature on the group, with over 900 literature references. It includes 90,000 words of text (more than 40 percent of which is new), 15 updated range maps, 31 photographs, over 30 ink drawings, and...
The 21 species of sea ducks are one of the larger subgroups (Tribe Mergini) of the waterfowl family Anatidae, and the 16 species (one historically ext...
There are eight currently recognized species of North American geese: emperor, greater white-fronted, snow, Ross's, Canada and cackling, barnacle, and brant geese. This book describes each species' geographic range and subspecies, its identification traits, weights and measurements, and criteria for its age and sex determination. Ecological and behavioral information includes each species' breeding and wintering habitats, its foods and foraging behavior, its local and long distance movements, and its relationships with other species. Reproductive information includes each species' age of...
There are eight currently recognized species of North American geese: emperor, greater white-fronted, snow, Ross's, Canada and cackling, barnacle, and...