This delightful children's storybook, written in 1952 by Carley Dawson, comes complete with the recreated original cover and it is fully illustrated. It tells the story of twelve-year-old Chris, who entered Mr. Wicker's shop to inquire about a job for his friend. However, he was so intrigued by Mr. Wicker that he took the job himself. So began an adventure beyond his wildest dreams, full of magic and adventure.
This delightful children's storybook, written in 1952 by Carley Dawson, comes complete with the recreated original cover and it is fully illustrated. ...
This delightful childrens storybook, written in 1952 by Carley Dawson, comes complete with the recreated original cover and it is fully illustrated. It tells the story of twelve-year-old Chris, who entered Mr. Wickers shop to inquire about a job for his friend. However, he was so intrigued by Mr. Wicker that he took the job himself. So began an adventure beyond his wildest dreams, full of magic and adventure.
This delightful childrens storybook, written in 1952 by Carley Dawson, comes complete with the recreated original cover and it is fully illustrated. I...