Each short story in Tales from Down on the Farm: Bedtime Stories for Anxious Children is told from the prospective of a small cat called Bo, who discovers as he grows up that life is not only full of surprises, but is also full of problems that must be solved. With the help of his own observations and those of other animals on the farm, Bo learns to experience and adapt to the ups and downs of life, which makes him more confident and self-assured. Interactions with his friends help Bo understand that we are all different, which enables him to look at things differently. Within each story of...
Each short story in Tales from Down on the Farm: Bedtime Stories for Anxious Children is told from the prospective of a small cat called Bo, who disco...
Meet two adorable piglets named Plumpkin and Penelope. They're cunning, intelligent, and constantly thinking of ways to escape and find food, which unsurprisingly always comes their way. Back at the farm of their new owner, the two piglets are not content to stay in their nice new pen, and soon find a way out. After they get caught, the farmer mends their fence. But before long, they find another way out and then the real fun begins It becomes a challenge between human and piglets: One trying to prevent escape, the others trying to escape, knowing that if they succeed, there will be a reward...
Meet two adorable piglets named Plumpkin and Penelope. They're cunning, intelligent, and constantly thinking of ways to escape and find food, which un...