C. Streffer, H. Bolt, D. Follesdal, P. Hall, J.G. Hengstler, P. Jacob, III, D Oughton, K. Prieß, E. Rehbinder, Katharina
The ever-increasing release of harmful agents due to human activities has led in some areas of the world to heavy pollution. In order to protect human health and the environment, environmental standards that shall limit the release and the concentration of those toxic agents in the environment and hence the exposure to it have to be established. The related assessment and decision-making procedures have to be based on solid scientific data about the effects and mechanisms of these agents as well as on ethical, social and economic aspects. For risk evaluation, the knowledge of the dose...
The ever-increasing release of harmful agents due to human activities has led in some areas of the world to heavy pollution. In order to protect hu...
C. Streffer, H. Bolt, D. Follesdal, P. Hall, J.G. Hengstler, P. Jacob, III, D Oughton, K. Prieß, E. Rehbinder, Katharina
The ever-increasing release of harmful agents due to human activities has led in some areas of the world to heavy pollution. In order to protect human health and the environment, environmental standards that shall limit the release and the concentration of those toxic agents in the environment and hence the exposure to it have to be established. The related assessment and decision-making procedures have to be based on solid scientific data about the effects and mechanisms of these agents as well as on ethical, social and economic aspects. For risk evaluation, the knowledge of the dose...
The ever-increasing release of harmful agents due to human activities has led in some areas of the world to heavy pollution. In order to protect hu...
Der vorliegende Band gibt die Vortrage eines Symposi !Us wieder, das im Rahmen des gemeinsamen Kongresses der Deutschen und Osterreichischen Rontgen gesellschaft imJahre 1973 in Wien durchgefuhrt wurde. Die Arb itsgemeinschaft fur Strahlenbiologie in der DRG setzte damit gemeinsam mit der Osterreichischen Rontgengesellschaft eine Serie von Veranstaltungen fort, die den Dialog zwischen dem klinisch tatigen Radiologen und dem theoretischen Radiologen, insbeson dere dem Strahlenbiologen, verstarken sollen. Di beiden thematischen Schwer punkte des Symposiums, lymphatisches System und kleine...
Der vorliegende Band gibt die Vortrage eines Symposi !Us wieder, das im Rahmen des gemeinsamen Kongresses der Deutschen und Osterreichischen Rontgen g...