Over the space of a long weekend, three couples living in Ireland find their paths crossing as each person pursues their own agenda. A pair of Ukrainian mercenaries, acting on behalf of a Russian Oligarch, add spice to the mix of sex and violence in this erotic page-turner. The eponymous Man in the Mirror is confronted with changes beyond his wildest imaginings when he encounters a strange woman on a train in London. It seems that witches still walk the streets, and magic is alive and well, even in the inner city.
Over the space of a long weekend, three couples living in Ireland find their paths crossing as each person pursues their own agenda. A pair of Ukraini...
Seven years ago, Oliver's life started to fall apart. Seven weeks ago, a chance encounter with a 21st century witch seemed to mark a turning point. "Change is the only constant." Seven days ago, he was over 7,000 miles from home.
But a week is a long time in Ireland, and the changes that have taken place since his return have left him reeling. A time of confessions and revelations. A time of farewells and new beginnings.
In this concluding book of the trilogy, Oliver finally unravels the mystery that has haunted his whole life, and along...
Seven years ago, Oliver's life started to fall apart. Seven weeks ago, a chance encounter with a 21st century witch seemed to mark a turning...
Seven years ago, Oliver's life started to fall apart. Seven weeks ago, a chance encounter with a 21st century witch seemed to mark a turning point. "Change is the only constant." Seven days ago, he was over 7,000 miles from home.
But a week is a long time in Ireland, and the changes that have taken place since his return have left him reeling. A time of confessions and revelations. A time of farewells and new beginnings.
In this concluding book of the trilogy, Oliver finally unravels the mystery that has haunted his whole life, and along...
Seven years ago, Oliver's life started to fall apart. Seven weeks ago, a chance encounter with a 21st century witch seemed to mark a turning...