This work began when I was appointed as a Technical Director for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Verification and Validation (V&V) for a major defense system in 2008. It is intended to provide the nuts and bolts of performing M&S V&V in one volume. It is not intended to provide a holistic approach to M&S V&V, as that can be derived from other sources. As such, this book assumes a basic understanding of V&V, including its place in the lifecycle, its purpose and its scope for ensuring the quality of models and simulations. During the process of developing this text, the Simulation...
This work began when I was appointed as a Technical Director for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Verification and Validation (V&V) for a major defense s...
This book is about predictive analytics. Yet, each chapter could easily be handled by an entire volume of its own. So one might think of this a survey of predictive modeling. A predictive model is a statistical model or machine learning model used to predict future behavior based on past behavior. In order to use this book, one should have a basic understanding of mathematical statistics - it is an advanced book. Some theoretical foundations are laid out but not proven, but references are provided for additional coverage. Every chapter culminates in an example using R. R is a free software...
This book is about predictive analytics. Yet, each chapter could easily be handled by an entire volume of its own. So one might think of this a survey...
Operations Research using open-source tools is a book that is affordable to everyone and uses tools that do not cost you anything. For less than $50, you can begin to learn and apply operations research, which includes analytics, predictive modeling, mathematical optimization and simulation. Plus there are ample examples and exercise incorporating the use of SCILAB, LPSolve and R. In fact, all the graphs and plot in the book were generated with SCILAB and R. Code is provided for every example and solutions are available at the authors website. The book covers the typical topics in a one or...
Operations Research using open-source tools is a book that is affordable to everyone and uses tools that do not cost you anything. For less than $50, ...
Data Science and Analytics for Ordinary People is a collection of blogs I have written on LinkedIn over the past year. As I continue to perform big data analytics, I continue to discover, not only my weaknesses in communicating the information, but new insights into using the information obtained from analytics and communicating it. These are the kinds of things I blog about and are contained herein. Data science and analytics have been used as synonyms on occasion. In reality data science includes data modeling, data mining, data analysis, database architecture and so on. Analytics is what...
Data Science and Analytics for Ordinary People is a collection of blogs I have written on LinkedIn over the past year. As I continue to perform big da...
We all need hope, yet we do not really understand what the origin of this craving may be nor the ramifications of its completion. After the Fall of Man, something was missing and resulted in our separation from God. Quantum hope reconnects us through of faith in Christ Jesus until that day when we will be fully restored. Quantum Hope is the sequel to Quantum Phaith and prequel to Quantum Love (not yet published). In Quantum Phaith, we learned what faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1: "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Quantum Hope examines the...
We all need hope, yet we do not really understand what the origin of this craving may be nor the ramifications of its completion. After the Fall of Ma...
A few of my blog readers asked me to share this story of my military career as a series of blogs. When I set out writing about this saga, I was just writing. I had not planned for it to evolve into lessons about leadership, but it did. Years before I set out on my military journey, a young officer on the staff of Thomas J "Stonewall" Jackson, wrote I Rode with Stonewall. I never really gave General William Scott Wallace a nickname, but if I had this book would be called, I Rode with the Calm Man or I Rode with the Quiet Man. I Rode with Wallace is about the modern U.S. Cavalry and my ride in...
A few of my blog readers asked me to share this story of my military career as a series of blogs. When I set out writing about this saga, I was just w...
A missile flight simulation is a computational tool that calculates the flight of a missile from launch until it engages the target. The simulation is based on mathematical models of the missile, target and environment. This book provides instruction for the preparation of these mathematical models to simulate the flight of a surface-to-air missile. The 2nd Edition of Missile Flight Simulation provides updated simulation processes using MATLAB(r) and Simulink, while improving and clarifying previous content. The book may be used as a reference or as a textbook, although it is devoid of...
A missile flight simulation is a computational tool that calculates the flight of a missile from launch until it engages the target. The simulation is...
This book is about Data Analytics. In that respect, it is like others. What distinguishes it from the rest is the variety of open-source tool applications. This book incorporates the use of R Studio, Python, SAS Studio (University Edition), and KNIME. This book is also about manipulating Big Data. Apache Hadoop on Hortonworks Sandbox is introduced and we manage, move, handle, and transform data using Apache Hive, Apache Spark, MapReduce and TEZ, with terminal shell commands and Ambari. We show you how to set up a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure. We then use the data in later chapters for...
This book is about Data Analytics. In that respect, it is like others. What distinguishes it from the rest is the variety of open-source tool applicat...