This book is for the upliftment of the black man in North America so he can address himself as the Son of Man, Supreme Being black man from Asia. By Asia I am referring to the foundation of the earth, which we called Asia and we named ourselves after the earth, which cover 196,940,000 square miles. Not only does this book serves as a guidance to the proper way of Islam, as taught by the lessons given to us by Allah, but I will put it in a way that when we dialogue among ourselves that you bear witness to nothing but the entire truth.
This book is for the upliftment of the black man in North America so he can address himself as the Son of Man, Supreme Being black man from Asia. By A...
This book will take you to a remarkable journey that will enlighten you to the classroom of God and the theology of the lost and found nation, within the wilderness of North America. It takes you to a new level of thinking regardless to your social or ethical and religious persuations. You will feel good in your heart to know the truth, because the truth "shall set you free." If you are looking to find yourself and learn some history of theology this is your book, and please read over and over to become like God within the ghettoes of Hell. Peace to all families of the planet earth.
This book will take you to a remarkable journey that will enlighten you to the classroom of God and the theology of the lost and found nation, within ...