A group of unlikely heroes from the opposite sides of the track embark on the ultimate human adventure surrounding an ancient alien transportation device. As the four improbable companions travel through time in search for answers and a way home, they end up stumbling on an age-old mystery that might stop a disaster in the future from occurring. Can these four heroes step up to save the future and, maybe, learn something about themselves in the process?
A group of unlikely heroes from the opposite sides of the track embark on the ultimate human adventure surrounding an ancient alien transportation dev...
A group of unlikely heroes from the opposite sides of the track embark on the ultimate human adventure surrounding an ancient alien transportation device. As the four improbable companions travel through time in search for answers and a way home, they end up stumbling on an age-old mystery that might stop a disaster in the future from occurring. Can these four heroes step up to save the future and, maybe, learn something about themselves in the process?
A group of unlikely heroes from the opposite sides of the track embark on the ultimate human adventure surrounding an ancient alien transportation dev...