A Historical, fictional novel set during the Second World War. It centres on a man, Thomas Bartlett, who seeks adventure as a soldier after being kept confined to his house by his mother for most of his life. He soon finds himself as a prisoner of war in Italy, where he questions his reluctance to escape. Once the Italians surrender he is forced to hide in the mountains to await the arrival of the Allied forces and avoid the German ones. Thus starts another journey for Bartlett. It is one of love, of loss, endurance and infidelity. He is forced to make several decisions along the way, some of...
A Historical, fictional novel set during the Second World War. It centres on a man, Thomas Bartlett, who seeks adventure as a soldier after being kept...
Robbie is on the brink of becoming a teenager and like most boys of his age spends much of his spare time playing computer games. But, unlike other boys, his best friend has been dead for almost one hundred years. Robbie ventures to the Somme to discover the truth behind Cecil's death in the war in 1916.'Searching for Cecil' combines fiction with act. It is based on the true story of Sergeant Robert Cecil Walsh of the 7th Royal West Kent Regiment who went missing, believed killed on the 13th July 1916. Characters and events included have been carefully researched using the Regiment's War...
Robbie is on the brink of becoming a teenager and like most boys of his age spends much of his spare time playing computer games. But, unlike other...