The final installment in the Akallian Tales Trilogy finds the Astraeans running out of something they thought they had an infinite supply of... Time. Having to constantly adapt, and react to traps and plans set in motion eons ago, the Astraeans struggle to maintain their efforts to beat the Einarian clock. Through a sea of warfare across the multiverse, the Astraean Defense Force engages in countless battles to keep the enemy at bay. Astraean operatives hit the streets on a myriad of planets to sway the manipulated public opinion. Are their efforts rewarded, or has Einar planned long in...
The final installment in the Akallian Tales Trilogy finds the Astraeans running out of something they thought they had an infinite supply of... Time. ...
The third and final installment in the Akallian Tales trilogy finds the Astraeans running out of something they thought they had an infinite supply of... Time. Having to constantly adapt, and react to traps and plans set in motion eons ago, the Astraeans struggle to maintain their efforts to beat the Einarian clock. Through a sea of warfare across the multiverse, the Astraean Defense Force engages in countless battles to keep the enemy at bay. Astraean operatives hit the streets on a myriad of planets to sway the manipulated public opinion. Strap in and hold on as the end to this thrilling...
The third and final installment in the Akallian Tales trilogy finds the Astraeans running out of something they thought they had an infinite supply of...