Twenty-five original Horror Stories written independently by twenty-five different authors who responded to the theme 'Horror Without Victims'. Their serendipitous gestalt seems to aspire towards a curative force for all of us.
Twenty-five original Horror Stories written independently by twenty-five different authors who responded to the theme 'Horror Without Victims'. Their ...
An anthology of Horror Stories by various authors on the theme of Classical Music. ----- Editor's potentially biased appraisal: A basic reasonably priced paperback in the good-hearted tradition of the Small Press of yesteryear, with all its mixture of good and potential characterful 'idiosyncracies'. ----- "The 'Classical' in 'Classical Music' entails Romantic and all manner of other styles ancient and new: a Marriage of Heaven and Hell from Baroque to Broke. Indents and spacings-out with ligetis or ligottis and other knots of text that create new visions, new meanings: ugly or sublime,...
An anthology of Horror Stories by various authors on the theme of Classical Music. ----- Editor's potentially biased appraisal: A basic reasonably pri...