Detective John Yardley and FBI agent, Frank Williams are on a quest. They are determined to stop a manipulative, unknown mass murderer, whose targets seem to be specific politicians in a bizarre and maniacal killing that draws them into a world of dreams and nightmares beyond their wildest imaginations. Awaiting them are unbelievable terrors, chilling twists and turns, and a scope of destruction that they would never have believed possible. "Solitaire Parke takes the reader into the world of dreams. The description is so well written; the reader is transported into the world...
Detective John Yardley and FBI agent, Frank Williams are on a quest. They are determined to stop a manipulative, unknown mass murderer, whose targets ...
Ten children are stolen from their parents while at a summer camp and genetically altered. They have become part human and part something else, each with extraordinary capabilities. These new abilities cause them to become freaks in a society that is being altered by the geneticist who made them - Oscar Zoroaster, the Wizard of Oz. His technological prowess is far beyond standard science and he deploys it on an unsuspecting populace causing worldwide chaos. OZ wants to reshape the world using a computer virus called EPITOMY and will stop at nothing to achieve it. Johnny and his father find...
Ten children are stolen from their parents while at a summer camp and genetically altered. They have become part human and part something else, each w...