In The Pond, Mari finds herself in a very unpleasant situation exasperated by her own complaining and "speaking the problem." The Pond is for every Christian. The new, the experienced and the overcoming Christian will all gain from reading this allegorical story. This is an intriguing story of life's journey with and without God. Choices, we all have them but it is the rare person that thinks through the circumstance each choice will bring. It is always our choice how we react to each event we encounter in our lives. Will you make the right choices or the wrong choices? Will you increase the...
In The Pond, Mari finds herself in a very unpleasant situation exasperated by her own complaining and "speaking the problem." The Pond is for every Ch...
Like most, Lily had no idea what was to be her destiny. She did not have any idea exactly what direction her life would take but she knew it would be one adventure after another. She looked forward to each new day and the experiences it would bring. Nothing could have prepared Lily for what was to be her fate. Locked in a coma, lying in a hospital room, Lily was unable to speak or let anyone know she was awash with thoughts, dreams and memories and her mind was active. Lily's mother, Helen, was terrified by the prospect her only daughter may live out her life in a vegetative state. Helen went...
Like most, Lily had no idea what was to be her destiny. She did not have any idea exactly what direction her life would take but she knew it would be ...