The octapeptide angiotensin II (ANG II, Fig. 1) is the key effector substance of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) (Werning 1972, Page and Bumpus 1974, Hierholzer 1977, Vecsei et al. 1978, Johnson and Anderson 1980 lit. ). ANG II is formed in two enzymatic steps. Renin acts on renin substrate, a glycoprotein, to produce angiotensin I (ANG I, a decapeptide), which in turn is acted upon by converting enzyme to form ANG II (Skeggs et al. 1968, Fig. 1). Renin substrate (angiotensinogen) is produced mainly in the liver (Page et al. 1941) and is a constituent of the ~-globulin fraction in the...
The octapeptide angiotensin II (ANG II, Fig. 1) is the key effector substance of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) (Werning 1972, Page and Bumpus 197...