After enduring a difficult year that began with his father unexpectedly walking out on the family, thirteen-year-old Jake Sheppard finds himself at a loss for hope. When his live-in grandfather shares a deeply personal and rather unbelievable bedtime story, the impossibility of the tales events sparks an interest in Jake to determine its authenticity.
Embarking on a personal journey for the truth leads Jake to a discovery that will not only change his life, but the way he sees the world, forever.
The extraordinary is all around us.
After enduring a difficult year that began with his father unexpectedly walking out on the family, thirte...
In his early thirties, Noah Adams writes of the turning point in his life: a long weekend spent in the company of his estranged father, Scott, a Special Forces soldier who had been gone two years. During their stay in a remote farmhouse out in the Pennsylvania countryside, Noah recalls encountering both bizarre behaviors and horrifying truths.
It is this visit that has shaped the man, husband, and father he has become. For better and for worse.
There are fates worse than death.
In his early thirties, Noah Adams writes of the turning point in his life: a long weekend spent in the com...