A new collection of stories expanding the world of Jim Henson’s beloved fantasy classic Labyrinth, including the secret history of Sir Didymus and an all-new story that reveals the history one of Jareth’s Masquerade guests who embarks on a journey of self discovery after Sarah shatters the mirror during the Masquerade Ball. RETURN TO THE MASQUERADE. Discover an all-new collection of stories expanding the world of Jim Henson’s beloved fantasy classic Labyrinth, including the secret history of Sir Didymus and the untold story that reveals the history one of Jareth’s Masquerade guests...
A new collection of stories expanding the world of Jim Henson’s beloved fantasy classic Labyrinth, including the secret history of Sir Didymus and a...
A grounded and heartbreakingly human story about the legendary Superman as a teenager finding his place in a world filled with death and hate, without losing sight of his greatest power hope.
A grounded and heartbreakingly human story about the legendary Superman as a teenager finding his place in a world filled with death and hate, without...