..".in these poems, (there is) a family of 12 with the mother, father, and speaker as the prime characters....In a brilliant crown of sonnets, its most important character, the speaker's brother, who died a suicide, by drowning, fully emerges. The strictness of the form is never obtrusive--it just does its job...to give a frame, a tension, something for the powerful emotion to work off of or against, thus increasing its powerful sentiment...By writing this book...Teresa Carson has rescued her family and her brother. That a book of poems can do this is a miracle." --Thomas Lux
..".in these poems, (there is) a family of 12 with the mother, father, and speaker as the prime characters....In a brilliant crown of sonnets, its mos...
Throughout the history of economics, a variety of analytical tools have been borrowed from the so-called exact sciences. As Schoe?er (1955) puts it: "They have taken their mathematics and their ded- tive techniques from physics, their statistics from genetics and agr- omy, their systems of classi?cation from taxonomy and chemistry, their model-construction techniques from astronomy and mechanics, and their methods of analysis of the consequences of actions from en- neering". The possibility of similarities of structure in mathematical models of economic and physical systems has been an...
Throughout the history of economics, a variety of analytical tools have been borrowed from the so-called exact sciences. As Schoe?er (1955) puts it: "...
Throughout the history of economics, a variety of analytical tools have been borrowed from the so-called exact sciences. As Schoe?er (1955) puts it: They have taken their mathematics and their ded- tive techniques from physics, their statistics from genetics and agr- omy, their systems of classi?cation from taxonomy and chemistry, their model-construction techniques from astronomy and mechanics, and their methods of analysis of the consequences of actions from en- neering . The possibility of similarities of structure in mathematical models of economic and physical systems has been an...
Throughout the history of economics, a variety of analytical tools have been borrowed from the so-called exact sciences. As Schoe?er (1955) puts it: T...
Das Buch ist als Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch konzipiert. Es ist modular aufgebaut und beinhaltet in 10 Kapiteln Einführungen in die elementaren Bereiche der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Die Kapitel umfassen neben inhaltlichen Exkursen am Ende jeweils auch Wiederholungsfragen und praktische Aufgaben, für die in einem gesonderten Kapitel Lösungen bereitgestellt werden. Den Abschluss bilden zwei Fallstudien zur Digitalen Transformation. Das Buch eignet sich als Begleitwerk für Vorlesungen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen, aber auch als Vertiefungsquelle für Ausbildungsgänge mit...
Das Buch ist als Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch konzipiert. Es ist modular aufgebaut und beinhaltet in 10 Kapiteln Einführungen in die elementaren Bereiche...