Meet Two, a dodo with two left feet. He, along with his friends and several hapless penguins, lives in a land governed by Puff, a puffin. Puffs rule begins fairly lightly, with a law stating that everyone must hop everywhere on their left foot. Understandably, this poses a conundrum for Two, with his two left feet, but he perseveres regardless.
Soon, however, Puff is suggesting slightly stranger laws - regulation of shell spending and of the army, newfangled boat designs and several odd regulations pertaining to doors, stairs and even crossing the road. It seems that Puff is on a one-puffin...
Meet Two, a dodo with two left feet. He, along with his friends and several hapless penguins, lives in a land governed by Puff, a puffin. Puffs rule b...
The village of Icil, in the land of Compute, was created by its original form being joined by two other makers - the Eye and the Pye. The chronicle is related by a scribe who had come from the land of the Tit-e-I, where he had tired of his labour. He was hired as a scribe to Albert the Good - a key member of the Council of Elders in the village of Icil.
The Scribe soon found that all was not well in the village of Icil. The problem was caused by Alberts two robber barons, The Trader and The Maker. These two were not able to work as one under Albert, as both were jealous of each other, and...
The village of Icil, in the land of Compute, was created by its original form being joined by two other makers - the Eye and the Pye. The chronicle is...