Vagif Sultanly is one of the foremost representatives of modern Azerbaijani prose and his latest book expresses moral and ethical features specific to modern society such as estrangement, alienation, oblivion, negligence and feelings of uselessness. The main part of the book is a novel entitled "The Dream of Death" which expresses the excitement and anxiety reflected inside the internal human world by the destruction of a town's cemetery to make way for a new highway and the consequent need to relocate the corpses from the old cemetery to the new one. A chaotic unfolding of the events and...
Vagif Sultanly is one of the foremost representatives of modern Azerbaijani prose and his latest book expresses moral and ethical features specific to...
The novels and stories included in this book literally express the moral and ethic problems alarming the contemporary world including the destruction of traditions, feelings of uselessness and indifference. The writer tries to reflect the torments and suffering, the alienation problem penetrating to society's morality, through the characters in these stories, representing various social levels. The subjects and problems of the novels and stories differ, however, the author's style of view and attitude to the described events and manner of literal generalization make them closer at a certain...
The novels and stories included in this book literally express the moral and ethic problems alarming the contemporary world including the destruction ...
The novel and short stories included in this book describe the problems inherent to modern Azerbaijani society such as alienation, loneliness, hopelessness, soullessness etc. against a background of sophisticated characters and events.
The great, intellectual, path-defining writer of Azerbaijanian modern literature. Prof.dr.Eunkyung Oh (Seul, South Korea)
Vagif Sultanlys figures and heroes are mostly owners of an inner dialog. Despite the torments and tragedies they are subjected to, they comprehend the essence of life as if through the prism of philosophy. Michael Brannock, writer...
The novel and short stories included in this book describe the problems inherent to modern Azerbaijani society such as alienation, loneliness, hopeles...