"Life's Greatest Treasures are Found in Things to Forgive. What a Rich Man I Have Found Myself to Be." Such is the realized Joy of the author as he has chosen to look back at an often troubled life from early childhood through late adulthood. He chose to try to look at his life through Eyes of Compassion, Forgiveness and Love, believing such eyes could see his life framed only within those qualities. Secure in his sense that all persons, experiences and circumstances could and would be forgiven and embraced with love, he surrendered to letting his entire life flow into his conscious...
"Life's Greatest Treasures are Found in Things to Forgive. What a Rich Man I Have Found Myself to Be." Such is the realized Joy of the author as he ha...
The "little story" told in this book was conveyed to the author from what he terms "the Voice of Silence" - that which the author knows in his heart to be Pure Love or "God." The author spontaneously received the story during a recent two-hour evening walk. It completely took him over, such that he spoke the story aloud as it came into his awareness. It was not an easy task to as vividly recall the story for sharing in writing. Still, the author has tried to do so, trusting that he has continued to be inspired in his heart and mind as the story has again unfolded.
The "little story" told in this book was conveyed to the author from what he terms "the Voice of Silence" - that which the author knows in his heart t...
This little book is a brief summary of the author's more prevalent spiritual beliefs and understandings. The views shared are presented as quite generous comparisons to some spiritual views of the major religions of the world, actually, and within the spirit of true tolerance. Though the author is passionate and often affirmative in his own beliefs, he makes every effort to steer clear of rigid dogma. In fact, the book was written largely as an offering of reason, the best way to counter the religious dogma already present in the world. The author does not wish to open more doors for arguing...
This little book is a brief summary of the author's more prevalent spiritual beliefs and understandings. The views shared are presented as quite gener...
This book is very much about The Gospel of Thomas - that much-too-little-understood "alternative" gospel which the early Christian church condemned and banished into virtual obscurity for nearly 2000 years. But mostly, the book is about Jesus. Thomass gospel acts as our guide as we go through the book delving into what the author feels Jesus is trying to convey to us. So much of that is about Awareness - Consciousness - of Gods Kingdom as ever-presence NOW, the author contends. Above all, this book is about precisely that which the author wished to convey in the books title: Jesus As I...
This book is very much about The Gospel of Thomas - that much-too-little-understood "alternative" gospel which the early Christian church condemned an...