Just days before Alex Wagner leaves town to begin a highly anticipated new chapter in his life, he stumbles upon a lost holiday tradition hidden in the history of an aging lakefront bungalow in urban Cleveland, Ohio. With guidance from assorted locals, including a particularly mysterious neighbor, he brings the old house back to life and finds he has unknowingly mended lingering emotional wounds from the past, magically reigniting the spirit of the season for the entire city. The first novel in the Edgewater series, by Nancy Elvira, Count Every Star is a journey into the human spirit and the...
Just days before Alex Wagner leaves town to begin a highly anticipated new chapter in his life, he stumbles upon a lost holiday tradition hidden in th...
WWII sailor Winston Cunningham meets seventeen year-old Irene Walker. An unlikely combination with little in common, their relationship gets off to a rocky beginning. Wink becomes intrigued with an old house in Cleveland, along the shore of Lake Erie, and when Irene sees it, there is no turning back. The Cunninghams sense that there's an air of mystery about the house; more to its story than they had been told. Wink becomes so obsessed with the house that he fails to see the storm brewing on his own personal horizon. With help from some oddball neighbors and a lesson from a determined young...
WWII sailor Winston Cunningham meets seventeen year-old Irene Walker. An unlikely combination with little in common, their relationship gets off to a ...