We have come to view the proper approach among the issues that are highly familiar. The self-correcting nature of the scientific enterprise insures us that nothing much will be lost if the ideas put forward turn out to be wrong (this can also be read as an excuse for speculation). The broadening of a conceptual approach is currently needed instead of vague formations, and falsifiability, which is not the only criterion for this as an excuse against scientific ideas. Describing paths of thought is very difficult. Where, at this place, are already many and steadfast lines laid down . . ....
We have come to view the proper approach among the issues that are highly familiar. The self-correcting nature of the scientific enterprise insures us...
In recent decades an increasing number of psycho-analytic investigators have tried to fathom the nature and origin of the TRANSFERENCE-COUNTERTRANSFERENCE - from within. Unlike the psychiatric methods, psycho-analytic investigation of these seriously disturbed patients imposes intense stresses on the investigator - there are the primitive emotions released, the painfully slow process in which anxiety-laden changes can be attempted by the patient, and there is the constant struggle for the analyst to elucidate a pattern of significance within, at times baffling phenomena. For the pioneer,...
In recent decades an increasing number of psycho-analytic investigators have tried to fathom the nature and origin of the TRANSFERENCE-COUNTERTRANSFER...
The outlook for philosophy in our society is buoyant. But philosophy is like music in that, although it has many practical use+s, its supreme value lies not in any of them but in what it is in itself. It may be that from within the confines of our human imitations we will never be able to find the answers to some of our most fundamental questions. But, as this book has tried to show, we can make such worthwhile progress in our understanding of the human situation that even if we never reach any ultimate goal in that respect that we will find that the journey is a hugely enriching...
The outlook for philosophy in our society is buoyant. But philosophy is like music in that, although it has many practical use+s, its supreme value...