An ancient ghost possesses Hikaru and unleashes his hidden genius R to L (Japanese Style). After stumbling across a haunted Go board, irresponsible Hikaru Shindo discovers that the spirit of a master player has taken up residence in his consciousness. In his pursuit of the "Divine Move," Fujiwara-no-Sai awakens in Hikaru an untapped genius for the game, and soon the schoolboy is chasing his own dream--defeating the famed Go prodigy Akira Toya Six Characters, Six StoriesThe main storyline takes a holiday, making way for six tales that offer fresh insight into the characters and lives...
An ancient ghost possesses Hikaru and unleashes his hidden genius R to L (Japanese Style). After stumbling across a haunted Go board, irrespo...
An ancient ghost possesses Hikaru and unleashes his hidden genius Reads R to L (Japanese Style). An ancient ghost possesses Hikaru and unleashes his hidden genius The Young LionsGo players under the age of 18 in Japan, Korea and China are getting ready to qualify for the Hokuto Cup, and Hikaru and Akira are both in contention for the Japanese team. The preliminaries prove to be tough going, and Hikaru, stung by a reality check, focuses like never before. But will it be enough to meet the challenge of the unconventional yet formidable go of Kiyoharu Yashiro of the Kansai Go...
An ancient ghost possesses Hikaru and unleashes his hidden genius Reads R to L (Japanese Style). An ancient ghost possesses Hikaru and unleashes ...