A young woman disappears during an evening out at a French restaurant with her boyfriend. A local female detective and her female laboratory specialist take on the case, but become sidetracked when several Middle Eastern men are murdered within their jur
A young woman disappears during an evening out at a French restaurant with her boyfriend. A local female detective and her female laboratory specialis...
When Gerry and his new wife dig up a cache of gold coins while metal detecting, they have no idea the adventure they're in for. They find themselves transported back in time where they witness the 1864 burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
When Gerry and his new wife dig up a cache of gold coins while metal detecting, they have no idea the adventure they're in for. They find themselves t...
"Going Outback" is the story of my trip from Cocoa Beach, Florida halfway around the world to Woomera, South Australia. It begins the day I got my orders and contains amusing stories about the trip and interesting people I met along the way.
"Going Outback" is the story of my trip from Cocoa Beach, Florida halfway around the world to Woomera, South Australia. It begins the day I got my ord...