In contemporary America, an un-named college student sets out on an obsessive journey of discovery to collect and record the life-stories of total strangers. The interviews that follow have echoes of another, far more famous literary journey, undertaken long ago and in another world. Drawing on the original, unexpurgated tales collected by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, six of their most famous works are re-imagined in the rich and endlessly varied landscapes of contemporary America. From the glass towers of Manhattan to the remoteness of the Blue Ridge mountains; from the swamps of Louisiana to...
In contemporary America, an un-named college student sets out on an obsessive journey of discovery to collect and record the life-stories of total str...
Cassandra Parkin, Helen Bissett, Hannah Thoresby, Deborah Dyson
Employee Engagement is BIG news in business right now. And with good cause. Businesses with highly engaged employees significantly outperform less engaged organisations in just about every performance measurement. One thing that highly performing businesses have in common is well defined leadership habits. Research and studies into employee engagement confirm that positive leadership behaviours are critical for creating a great place to work. Tough at the Top follows the story of a new circus owner as he learns first-hand what it takes to be an engaging leader. Adam has always dreamed of...
Employee Engagement is BIG news in business right now. And with good cause. Businesses with highly engaged employees significantly outperform less eng...